Megan Burkholder is showcasing her new work with the most seductive encaustic paintings.
Timothy Lachcik creates the most mind-blowing and intricate wood installations you have ever seen.
Bijan Sharifi is showcasing his very complex abstracts for your enjoyment.
Keep reading for the special featured fashion event!!
The Special Featured Event this month is wicked fun!!
Heyman Talent Agency is hosting "For Play" an interactive fashion experience.It is called for play because the models will be "for play". We will have models on roller skates wearing high fashion type clothes with hair and makeup. The models are moved around the gallery by the audience or by each other and then put in tasteful poses. Photographers will be taking photos of the poses and the art.

Catering as always is provided by Taste of the Best Catering, and there is much, much more that you are going to have to come and see!!
This event is always free, the art is always hot, and the entertainment is always happening. SEE YOU THERE!!!