Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Actor Shout out: May 22 Meeting

John Calig has three pieces he is opening up for actors to read at the May 22 Meeting. He has asked that we try to keep the casting in line with the age and gender of the characters.

Eddie - Male: Cafe owner
Prince Kistopher - Male: Deposed rightful ruler of Somalia
Lucas - Male: Director of prize distribution for the National Lottery of Belarus
Jules - Female: Personal Assistant to Paris Hilton

Sniffy - Male: Squirrel
Chewy - Female: Squirrel
Scratchy-Male: Squirrel
Winston - Male: Deer

Sam - Male: late 20's
Harry - Male: mid 20's

If you are an actor interested in readling drop us a line [ thedramafoundry (at) yahoo (dot) com ] and we'll send you a copy of the scripts to review for the meeting. Depending on demand, casting will be done at random using poker chips and a hat. Stay tuned for another possible announcement for Ellie Anderson's casting needs.