Monday, November 22, 2010
I'd like to thank...
the actors Dan Welsh, Ellen Knolls, Kelly Brown, Charlie Sloin, Brant Jones, John Dranschak, Louie Cowan, Laura Dachenbach, and Steve Schlather. I would also like to thank Josef Matulich for sharing his work with us. There is also the extensive amount of time John Dranschak put into casting for this meeting. We wouldn't be able to have done this meeting without you. Finally, last but not least, I'd also like to thank the dedicated Megan Burkeholder for being a great video cherub and Josef's wife for ensuring that we all ate very well during the meeting. Have a great holidays. We will be taking time off to be with family and friends through the first of the year and look forward to seeing you in January. Stay inspired and keep writing.