Send scripts to: scripts(at)raconteurtheatre(dot)com
Include the following information to allow us to contact you if interested:
- Full Name of Playwright
- Complete Mailing Address
- Email Address
- The font should be easily readable and size.
- Your script must contain page numbers.
- Include a list of characters. Keep it brief but be sure to include any important details such as gender, age and race if applicable.
- Any script submitted must be the sole work of the playwright(s) and must not include any material you do not have permission to use.
- All scripts must be in English.
- We accept scripts of all lengths. We do not accept screenplays.
- Providing a cover page including the title, playwright name, contact information, a little background on the playwright, cast size, genre, approximate run time, and a brief synopsis is helpful.
- Electronic submissions are strongly preferred.
- Including a production and publication history if applicable is strongly preferred.
- Proofread to be certain there are no serious grammatical errors.
- Consider audiences when choosing a title, think about how it will look on a poster or in a press release. It should compel audiences to come see the show.
- Try not to include stage directions or costume design unless they are imperative to tell your story.
- We suggest limiting your cast of characters to no more than 8 and your list of settings to no more than 2.
- Special interest is given to writers from the Central Ohio area.