Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Raconteur Theatre Accepting New Scripts for their Upcoming Season

Raconteur is seeking scripts for its upcoming season. They are seeking full length, one act, and short scripts.

Include the following information to allow us to contact you if interested:
  • Full Name of Playwright
  • Complete Mailing Address
  • Email Address
  • The font should be easily readable and size.
  • Your script must contain page numbers.
  • Include a list of characters. Keep it brief but be sure to include any important details such as gender, age and race if applicable.
  • Any script submitted must be the sole work of the playwright(s) and must not include any material you do not have permission to use. 
  • All scripts must be in English.
Raconteur is a small company with under 20 members. We typically perform scripts which allow us to be as minimal as possible or include only one or two locations. We read a lot of scripts to find the ones we feel fit us best. The following are a few suggestions to help you to have the best possible opportunity:
  • We accept scripts of all lengths. We do not accept screenplays. 
  • Providing a cover page including the title, playwright name, contact information, a little background on the playwright, cast size, genre, approximate run time, and a brief synopsis is helpful.
  • Electronic submissions are strongly preferred. 
  • Including a production and publication history if applicable is strongly preferred.
  • Proofread to be certain there are no serious grammatical errors.
  • Consider audiences when choosing a title, think about how it will look on a poster or in a press release. It should compel audiences to come see the show.
  • Try not to include stage directions or costume design unless they are imperative to tell your story.
  • We suggest limiting your cast of characters to no more than 8 and your list of settings to no more than 2.
  • Special interest is given to writers from the Central Ohio area.  
Keep up with Raconteur Theatre Company at!


MadLab Theatre and Gallery announces The Jinn by Kirk Lynn

MadLab will present The Jinn By Kirk Lynn at 8:00, August 5th-28th, Fridays and Saturdays, opening Thursday August 5th at MadLab Theatre
and Gallery, 227 N. 3rd St., Columbus. Tickets cost $15, $10
Students/Seniors, $8 Members. Call 614-221-5418 or visit

MadLab presents The Jinn by Kirk Lynn

Thursday August 5 8pm
Friday August 6 8pm
Saturday August 7 8pm
Friday August 13 8pm
Saturday August 14 8pm
Friday August 20 8pm
Saturday August 21 8pm
Friday August 27 8pm
Saturday August 28 8pm

All performances at: MadLab Theatre and Gallery, 227 N. 3rd St.,
Columbus, OH 43215,
Ticket prices are $12, $8 Students/Seniors, $6 Members
For reservations call 614.221.5418 or send to publicity (at) madlab (dot) net
Order tickets at:


Jennifer Feather Youngblood as The Jinn
Jennifer Barlup as Jen
Andy Batt as Jim
Tay Lane as Jenny
Jim Azelvandre as Jimmy
Michelle Weiser as Jennifer
Travis Horseman as James
Mary Sink as Minion
Pam Sanchez as Minion
Joyce Patrone as Minion

Directed by Michelle Batt and Amanda Bauer
Written by Kirk Lynn

Media Contacts:

Michelle Batt, Co-Director, michelleb (at) madlab (dot) net, 614-226-7273
Amanda Bauer, Co-Director, amandab (at) madlab (dot) net 614-306-2962

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Drama Foundry's First Anniversary has Much A Do About Nothing

Join us at Schiller Park on Saturday, July 31 to see the last performance of Actors Theatre current production of Much Ado About Nothing. Some of the cast are members of Available Light Theater too. The Show starts at 8pm. Arvin will be there between 6:30 - 7pm or earlier to get a good spot. If you plan on attending, let us know.

This will be a potluck picnic so bring some thing to share. There will be a list of general dishes to bring ( like a protein, vegetable, fruit, grain, beverage or a dessert sort of thingy. No guacamole cookies!) We will also try to stimulate conversation about the production, Shakespeare, and his writing. If there are any (armchair) Shakespeare or theater scholars out there we would love to have you attend. We look forward to seeing you there to celebrate the last year and talk about the upcoming year.
Much Ado About Nothing is Shakespeare's sparkling comedy in which the apparent destruction of one marriage helps to bring about another.

Saturday July 31 at 8 PM
Directed by John S. Kuhn

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Oh Where, Oh Where Has My Johnny (Dranschak) gone?...

Oh Where, Oh where can he be? Click here for a clue. John has taken a sabbatical from helping with casting for an amazing directing opportunity. We look forward to his return and his continued success with his present and future endeavors.