Thursday, April 22, 2010

Actor shout: Saturday April 24th Meeting

Dan O'Reilly has 6 excerpts being read for this Saturday, April 24. He has opened the parts for actors who are interested in coming to read. Here they are:

6 pieces:

1. Blithe Heroine Quartet (End's Rope 2nd excerpt) 4 minutes, 3 readers
2. Blithe Heroine Quartet (new wife, fake guru excerpt) 6 minutes, 6 readers
3. Blithe Heroine Quartet (ring finger feminist excerpts) 3 minutes, 2 readers
4. Blithe Heroine Quartet (ring finger feminist, 3rd excerpt) 5 minutes, 2 readers
5. Satan Beleaguered (blithe style experiment excerpt) 5 minutes, 4 readers
6. Idiot-Savant & Alice in the Martian Rendition (blithe style) 8 minutes, 5 readers.

Here is a breakdown of the 22 roles: 8 Women, 13 Men, 1 Narrator:

1. Woman, Man, Man
2. Woman, Young Woman, Man, Man, Man, Narrator
3. Woman, Man
4. Woman, Man
5. Woman, Man, Man, Man
6. Woman, Woman, Man, Man, Man

If you are interested in reading, let us know.