Saturday, September 12, 2009

If This Blog Was My Child...

I would have been arrested for child neglect. The blog would have been found locked in a basement closet, high on cough syrup, and malnourished consuming the only sustenance available, cockroaches. I also have read that your not supposed to post "Where have I been" posts but what am I supposed to do with all this guilt and shame I feel for neglesting my blog... my audience. Oh, the horror!

Well, the short answer is I have been busy. Is that good enough? Probably not. The long answer entails me going into the details of being a caregiver for elderly parents, a parent, unemployed, and organizing this group all on my lonesome. Not to mention, if I am going to write, I would rather work on my own scripts than to write on this blog. So there.

I'd be curious to know what obstacles get in the way of you working on your blog? How do you deal with your creative guilt or lack of productivity? Or, more precisely, How do you deal with it constructively?