Photo by: Esparta Palma
I share this because a little over two weeks ago I had an appointment with my doctor on a Wednesday afternoon after experiencing ever-worsening pressure headaches, dizziness, and weakness. The doctor told me after prescribing me an antihistamine that if the symptoms didn't go away that he was going to schedule a ct scan of my head. I, of course, asked why, and he proceeded to tell me that I may have a brain tumor. Hence, the reason I have been less active on the blog in recent weeks.
Well... the symptoms didn't go away. To make a long story shorter, I am getting billed $2500 to find out I am normal, errr... I mean that I don't have a brain tumor. (If you ever wondered what it says on your cat scan results when you get them back and everything is okay, it says you're "normal".) What came from this experience was a reminder that I need to follow my bliss. This is one of the several motivations behind my efforts in working to organize this group. I have been reminded of this pretty regularly since I started helping my mom who has stage 4 breast cancer.
However, I guess the universe needed to give me a much stronger reminder. Up until about two

Lastly, I was thinking about how I could use this experience to develop my writing. A really great technique to develop characters that I have used is to write a few pages of monologue of them talking about themselves. However, I wonder if anyone has ever written an obituary to develop a character.
Painting by Albertus Pictor (1440-1507),Täby Church, Diocese of Stockholm
Life is truly precious and I am grateful to be alive... What are some ways we could share our personal inspirations with the group as a way to help each other think about developing our writing?