Monday, May 18, 2009

Writers' Group Format

After some discussions with folks, here is the current plan for the writer's group format. The group will be first-come, first-serve. There will probably be 3-4 writers that will get their work read and receive feed back on it at every meeting. No work can be longer than 15 pages (15 minutes) in length. (Scene, short, 1 act)

One interesting idea for organizing the actors’ participation in the process is to have a hat passed around for the actors who show up so they can put their names in it. Names will be drawn for each script to be read. This will keep things fresh for each reading and give each actor an opportunity to read if there are enough actors.

For every meeting there will be a moderator (that will alternate also) who will watch the time and read stage directions for the readings.

Feedback needs to be positive in nature and supportive. Hopefully, these criteria will help to inspire the growth of a community-oriented group of like-minded folks who want to write some drama.