Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Pictures: December 12, 2009

I want to thank writers Chris Shaw Swanson and Brandt Jones for sharing their plays along with my own. Also, I would like to thank the actors Acacia Duncan, John Dranshak, Cash Kimmerle, Mary Jo Apisa, Amy Talbott, Brandt Jones (again), Rose Ann Kalister, and Anna Lee for reading. (Hopefully, I didn't forget anyone or misspell any names.)Stay tuned for our next meeting which will probably be in January. We will be hopefully moving back to the UA Main Library.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Dec.12th meeting to start 10 minutes early

In accordance with our accommodating and docile nature, our December 12th meeting (ah-hum... that's tomorrow) at The Upper Arlington Library Lane Rd. Branch will be 10 minutes early. So the meeting starts at 1:35pm instead of 1:45pm. I suspect the meeting will not last till 4:45pm. We have more than a few actors who are multi-talented and generous with their time but need to be some where after they read.