Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Cabfare for the Common Man: MadLab Theater

MadLab will present Cabfare for the Common Man at 8:00pm, September 30th- October 23rd, Fridays and Saturdays, opening Thursday September 30th at MadLab Theatre and Gallery, 227 N. 3rd St., Columbus.   Tickets cost $12, $8 Students/Seniors, $6 Members.   Call 614-221-5418 or visit
MadLab presents Cabfare for the Common Man:

Thursday September 30 8pm
Friday October 1 8pm
Saturday October 2 8pm
Friday October 8 8pm
Saturday October 9 8pm
Friday October 15 8pm
Saturday October 16 8pm
Friday October 22 8pm
Saturday October 23 8pm

All performances at: MadLab Theatre and Gallery, 227 N. 3rd St., Columbus, OH 43215,

Ticket prices are $12, $8 Students/Seniors, $6 Members
For reservations call 614.221.5418 or send to publicity (at) madlab (dot) net

Cast and Crew

Stephen Woosley as Simon/Others
Christina Duryea as Elaine/Others
Chris Youngblood as Peter/Others
Nikki Smith as Whitney/Others
Jeremiah Campana as Harold/Others
Vicki Andronis as Sonya/Others
Josh Kessler as Paul/Others
Tricia Jones as Isabel/Others
Brian Spangler Campbell as Dennis/Others
Jill Ceneskie as Allison
Brendan Michna as Leonard/Others
Mary Sink as Rachel/Others

Directed by Andy Batt
Assisted by Sarah Brunet

Cabfare for the Common Man Synopsis

Cabfare for the Common Man is a journey through seven stories featuring ordinary people in extraordinary situations all from the mind of Mark Harvey Levine.

The GCAC, The Columbus Foundation and the OAC support MadLab throughout the year.

What others have to say about Cabfare:

“Mark Harvey Levine’s one-acts reveal a light touch, a wicked sense of humor and a knack for using paranormal events to cast new light on normal ones...These wacky, seemingly simple short pieces are hilarious on the surface, but full of subtler nuances.”

-- Neal Weaver, LA Weekly

“The plays are fun, intelligent, warm, witty and funny.  They tell stories.  Like chance scenes glimpsed from the back of a speeding cab, each captures momentary insights of life and love, each sparkling like a little jewel...”

-- Nick Crews, Indianapolis Star

“Smartly fun ride”

-- Lisa Gauthier, Nuvo (Indianapolis)

“Mark Harvey Levine’s ‘Cabfare for the Common Man’ is a refreshingly charming and hilarious series of one-acts about relationships and the power of love.”

--John Belden, Daily Reporter (Indianapolis)