Saturday, April 30, 2011

One of Our Own: Hits It Out of the Park

A little late in getting this posted... However, Thanks needs to go to Michael Grossberg for posting this ,and of course, congratulations to Chris Shaw Swanson. Click the title of this post to go to Michael Grossberg's post.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Directions to Classroom A: Location of the April 30th Meeting

The Whetstone Community Center is the building located next to the Whetstone branch of the Columbus Metropolitan Library. These are both near the entrance to the Park of Roses. Classroom A is located at the Southwest corner of the building on the second floor.

If you park in the parking lot in the rear of the building and enter from the back door, you will walk down a hallway. You will come to the main desk. If you turn right and go down the South hallway, there is a stairway at the end of the hallway. Going up this stairwell will lead to the second floor. The first classroom on your left as you enter the second floor hallway is Classroom A.

For those of you who prefer using an elevator versus the stairs there is one located on the first floor to your left past the front desk and common area.

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting. The room and location is great. We want to thank the Whetstone Community Center for letting us use their facility.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

RESCHEDULED WITH A NEW TIME AND LOCATION: The Drama Foundry Writers' Group Meeting

When: Saturday April 30, 2011           1:45pm to 4:45pm
What: Script readings, finger food, and feedback
Where: Whetstone Community Center Classroom A (upstairs)
            3923 North High Street

            Columbus, Ohio 43214
            (614) 645-3217

Why: To hear Sheldon Gleisser and Josef Matulich works read.

Due to the holiday weekend, that damn Easter bunny, the lack of meeting space and our difficulty finding available actors for this weekend we decided to reschedule and move the location of the meeting.

Also, if you are interested in discussing the future of the The Drama Foundry then you may want to attend this reading. We will spend some time during this meeting having a conversation about this topic.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Drama Foundry Writers' Group Meeting Announcement

When: Saturday April 23, 2011
1:45pm to 4:45pm

What: Script readings, finger food, and feedback

Where: Upper Arlington Main Library, Theatre
            2800 Tremont Road
            Upper Arlington, Ohio 43221

Why: To hear Sheldon Gleisser and Josef Matulich works read.